Effective from 1 January 2025

To ensure full safety and enjoyment, skaters MUST adhere to the following terms and conditions whilst on the premises.  Failure to follow theses will result the skater being asked to leave the session/class, and may result in being banned from joining future sessions/classes.

Prior to the session/class

  • All skaters will be charged an entrance fee and there is no free re-entry if a skater leaves    the premises during a skating session/class.  Spectators are free.

  • Please note that we can only accept cash payments.

  • Socks must be worn by all skaters for hygiene reasons.

  • Chewing gum is NOT prohibited inside the building.

  • Anyone under the influence of drugs or alcohol will not be allowed on the premises. Failure to comply will result in the skater being asked to leave the premises and charges pressed if necessary.

  • Skating Edge Artistic reserves the right to refuse entry to anyone for any reason.

During the session/class

  • All participants skate at their own risk.  Skating Edge Artistic accepts no responsibility for any accidents or injuries whilst participating in sessions/classes.

  • Protective equipment is available upon request.

  • Skating Edge Artistic will ensure that the centre is managed appropriately in order to ensure a safe environment for all skaters.

  • Everyone must follow instructions given by instructors and on signs posted around the skating area and Centre.

  • Please do not take photographs during the lessons/sessions.

  • Any accidents/injuries MUST be reported to a member of the Skating Edge Artistic team.

  • Dangerous, reckless or unsafe skating is not allowed. Please be considerate of other skaters

  • Bad and/or inappropriate language will not be tolerated.

  • No food and/or drinks are to be consumed on the floor.  Please use the viewing area.

  • Parents/Guardians will be responsible for the behaviour of their child/children in their care whilst on the premises.

  • Please do not leave valuables or personal items on tables/chairs.  Lockers are available for use.  Skating Edge Artistic is not responsible for any lost, stolen or damaged items.

  • When the session has ended, please return any hire skates to the skate hire counter.

  • Skating Edge Artistic reserves the right to inspect all skates and bags when skaters are entering or leaving the building.


  • All skates must be clean and in good condition.  Skates must not have any sharp edges, missing wheels, black “stoppers” or anything else which could potentially damage the rink or hurt other skaters.

  • All outdoor skates must be inspected for safety reasons before use is allowed.

Skating Edge Artistic reserves the right to change these terms and conditions at any time.